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Presentation, Education, and Motivation

1. I unfortunately will not be at the exhibition because I have to take the SAT. But I think the ads we're making will be a big part of getting our messages across. Every producer made up their own idea and it was something emotional that they wanted to bring awareness to. Or it was an idea that they were excited to be able to create in a fun and new way. I think it's important that we remember that part of the aspect when we're presenting because it makes it personal, and gives even more reason to be proud of what we've created. I think once we have the chance to explain our ideas describing the process of it will come naturally. We'll be able to pinpoint how we created a certain part of our idea. We'll explain how we did it, and how difficult or simple it was to do. Then we can show them the video through whatever medium we're using. Once that's over we'll tell them about what they watched it on, in my case it would be a cardboard. I can explain to them how easy it is to build a cardboard and how to explore the 360 videos on Youtube. Which would then go into VR in general. I would hope to talk to them about different realities and ask them how they feel about virtual reality becoming normalized. To get the conversation into talking about different realities that would be so interesting. Then I'd make sure to bring in the real world side of it and mention VR journalism. How they would feel about the biases of journalism being brought over. How would they counteract it? Would they think it's a good idea? Throughout the exhibition I'd hope to hear that everyone was engaged in the content and the ideas.

2. I think this project was very much like Dewey's ideas of education. We were given a chance to expand our ideas and further our thinking about something new like VR. We were able to come up with things that related to our life and take what we were learning about to create something that also helps others further their thinking too. As a producer I know all the work I've done has been for me and not for the grade. Although there were sometimes that wasn't true a majority of the time I put my honest effort into what I've created. Which is another of Dewey's ideas - knowledge cannot be shown through grades alone. This project has also done a good job of letting us display our newly found skills in something creative. Not just a test or graded assignment, we had to use them to show that we knew what we were doing. The project was not perfect though, because I know some people did things for the money, for the grade. Not because they didn't care but because that was their only choice. There were some who didn't see the work as important because they couldn't. It was really a hit or miss with people, but I very much see this project being close to Dewey's expectations of education once it's ideas are finalized.

3. There are three things that motivate us, autonomy, mastery and purpose. Something that Pink said really made me think. He said that money actually impairs us. When we work sometimes we are only thinking about the money. Which then makes us only motivated to earn our money, so we only do the minimum requirement because we know we'll get paid either way. He gave an example of our a company told people they could do whatever they want in anyway they wanted. Money was not an something they needed to worry about only creating. So their motivation changed as well as their purpose. They wanted to create something great, take the time to solve a problem, and do the most work they could. Their purpose was not to make money it was to show what they could do. In turn the people from the company did great things. This made me think of the project. How money was a big issue to producers and specialists. Hard to make or hard to get rid of. The motivation was money, not to create. Although that might not be true for all it was true for some which makes it hard to say that a message was gotten across. I think it was interesting that it was so like the real world and it was a learning experience. But this is school and we should be learning about how to change our motivation and purpose. We should not be learning how to conform to real world standards if we are already questioning them. Grades are our motivation in school as money is in real life. It's hard to say if the same rules apply exactly the same though. We should try an experiment one day too.

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