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Who am I?

I am Brigitte Bo Garcia. This means a variety of things. Some days I am an aspiring writer dedicated to publishing a novel in full rhymes. Other days I am an aspiring environmentalist trying to protect the honey bees and planting flowers in a garden. Sometimes I am just a reader engrossed in a story hoping, for the love of humanity, I do not get another cliff hanger.

My family is the most important thing in my life. I have been influenced by my Mom in every way possible. My family has made me who I am and I'd be nowhere without them. Which even includes our dog! He is a 3 year old english bulldog, his name is Carmelo. He likes to think he's a tiny puppy instead of a 90 pound bulldog. Which results in many people being knocked over, but he's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet.

I forgot to mention something most people know about me. I love bees. Honey bees, Bumble bees, Native bees, all bees. When I found out about colony collapse disorder I couldn't stop researching it. I was so interested in learning why the bees disappearing and what was being done about it. Because of this I've become interested in most things environmental. I don't quite know what I want to major in but I feel like I'll end up doing something that involves helping others.

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